• My Wishlist for This Year

    You can't buy happiness, but having the things you need will definitely improve your life.

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    What's been going on?

    This is going to be a little different than my usual blog posts. It's more of a personal journal entry.

    Ever since my little injury put me out of commission for almost three months, I've been thinking a lot about life in general. I've come to realize that some of the most important things in my life where slipping by, and that I had to recenter myself.


    As any millennial knows, this is something that happens periodically to all of us (right guys? ...guys?) but this time it was harder than usual to bounce back.


    While being out of commission sucked, it also helped me get some of the time off to really think about everything.

    I spent time deepening my relationships, reconnected with old friends and wrote down my own resolutions for 2020 and beyond.

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    Pampering Myself ... YAY!

    One of the main things that I've come to realize after re-reading what I'd written in my journal during this period of self-exploration, is that I'd been neglecting myself.


    I eat well and exercise regularly, so to the people who know me, this may seem like a strange statement. What I mean is I've been neglecting myself psychologically.


    Always a perfectionist, I'd been so hard on myself that my self-confidence really took a big hit, and I hadn't even realized it.

    It was easy for me to keep running in place, without ever noticing how I'd lost track of what was important.


    But now I see the light and I think I owe most of it to my awesome friends and family, but also to journaling. Journaling has been scientifically proven to make people happier: putting your thoughts and feelings into words forces you to construct a coherent story. This has therapeutic effects and is a valuable tool when making resolutions.


    Also, following the advice of my good friend Jane, I decided to splurge a little bit to increase my comfort: after my injury, I had to spend a looong time at home, and improving my comfort there proved to be essential for my psychological well-being.

    So I remembered I'd read about blankets that supposedly helped with anxiety and ADHD. After some Googling, I found an article about these weighted blankets, and I picked the one they recommended.

    I gotta say: wow.

    You don't realize how something so simple can have such an effect. After getting my blanket, I felt calmer and less anxious straight away.

    Now that my finger has healed, I am still sleeping and lounging with it.


    Another thing that really made a difference is getting a pair of comfortable leather slippers. Every time I put them on, I feel like Prince Charles. They feel great and honestly, it's a lot more hygienic to come home, take off your "outside shoes" and use a pair of slippers.


    Looking back, I'm thankful for those grueling few months. I caught up with a bunch of books I wanted to read, had a great time with friends and family, and discovered a lot more about myself going forward. So, please, always remember to be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

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    Lives in LA.

    Writes everywhere.

    I'm a self-confessed geek, and I love all things tech. If you ever need someone to write about your new gadget, get in touch!